Interview Preparation


Try interviews, view sample interviews, gain insights with reports, tips!

Sample Interviews

Check out the interviews shared by our system candidates!

Try your own!

Join interview templates, answer interview questions and improve using Human-centric AI generated rating.

Individualized Reports

Interview score

Cuvasol's human-centric AI engine analyzes your video recordings and evaluates verbal, content, emotion, and posture attributes to generate a comprehensive score.

Imagine gaining insights into your self-expression, eye contact with the interviewer, and speaking style.

That's the power of Cuvasol's AI engine.

Other Reports

One more thing!

Our system also offers detailed reports to help you compare yourself with other candidates.

Company Management

Interview Management

A hiring manager can create a custom interview tailored to the job description, complete with specific questions and template answers they seek.

For example, an Operations Support role might include inquiries about shift schedules

Candidate Management

Hiring managers can invite candidates to interviews tailored to specific job openings. 

They can also upload Candidate resumes, allowing Cuvasol's AI engine to summarize their qualifications and skill sets.

That’s a real time-saver!